Materials: Peaches and Creme Yarn(same skein that Dishcloth was made on). US size 6 needles. Scissors. Yarn Needle.


1. Cast on 15 stitches

2. Knit 4 Rows in Stockinette Stitch (knit, purl, knit, purl)

3. *Knit 2 together, Yarn Over. *repeat until end. Last stitch should be knitted.

4. Purl next row.

5. Continue in Stockinette Stitch for 4 more rows.

6. Knit each stitch, wrapping the yarn twice around the needle when knitting the stitches.

7. Purl the next row, dropping the extra loop.

8. Repeat #5-7 until peice measures 9 inches from beginning.

9. Repeat steps 3-4.

10. Knit 4 more rows in Stockinette Stitch.

11. Bind off leaving a long tail.

12. Sew up the sides of your project and knit I-Cord(other page)

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